要把握记叙的六要素。 任何事情的发生,都有一定的时间、地点,牵涉到一些人物,事情有起因、经过、结果。 阅读时要弄清事情的来龙去脉,才能较快地了解文章的主要内容;
理清叙事的线索和顺序。 线索是记事文章的脉络,串联了全文,阅读时把握住线索,等于把握住了文章叙事的条理,有利于我们进一步体会文章的中心思想。 叙述的顺序主要有顺序、倒叙、插叙。 这些叙述顺序可以根据中心思想的需要灵活运用;
The word learning has great significance.
There are two kinds of learning.
For most of us learning means the accumulation of knowledge, of experience, of technology, of a skill, of a language.
There is also psychological learning, learning through experience,
either the immediate experiences of life, which leave a certain residue, of tradition, of the race, of society.
There are these two kinds of learning how to meet life: psychological and physiological; outward skill and inward skill.
There is really no line of demarcation between the two; they overlap.
We are not considering for the moment the skill that we learn through practice, the technological knowledge that we acquire through study.
What we are concerned about is the psychological learning that we have acquired through the centuries or inherited as tradition, as knowledge, as experience.
This we call learning, but I question whether it is learning at all.
I am not talking about learning a skill, a language, a technique, but I
如何阅读叙事文章 山寺 文章阅读 文章阅读的方法