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When learning a foreign language, the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are equally important, do you agree or disagree?


In this day and age, in order to master a foreign language in a more efficient way, inp>

The importance of one skill can be indicated by the frequency of usage when practicing thislanguage. From my perspective, the four capabilities share an identical use rate. To be morespecific, communications with others requires the ability to listen and speaking; analogously,leaving comments online demands capacities of reading and writing. As a consequence, in dailylife, all of the four skills will be practiced, which signals that, to some extent, they are asconsequential as one another.

The importance of one skill can also be embodied by the priority of fostering while studying thatlanguage. However, it can be argued that usually will the four skills be practiced together bylearners. For instance, while building vocabularies through reading, the words learned can also beemployed in writing. Similarly, listening to how a native speaker speaks, inp>

In conclusion, owing to the fact that all those four skills share the same frequency of usage, andthere is no priority when fostering, it is safe to say that they are equally important.



A recent survey shows that in many countries across the world people are generally living longer. But an increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging inp>


Advancements in medical technology, be伽 knowledge about medical science, and the inventionof the cure for deadly diseases have greatly contributed to increased life expectancy these days.This essay will explore the influence that longer life expectancy has on both the society andinp>

There are many merits associated with longevity. For the society, a longer life expectancy ofinp>

One drawback for the society will be the depletion of resources. This is mainly owing to theswelling in the worlds population caused by the declined death rate. Unfortunately, the amount ofresources on earth is not proportional to the overall population, which will eventually lead to ashortage of resources. Moreover, life for aged inp>

Thinking critically, we could conclude that a longer life expectancy has both positive and negativeimplications for the society as well as our inp>



A lot of young people do not know how to manage their money when graduating from high school. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to teach them this important skill?


Nowadays, it is not unusual for our teenagers to lack the money managerial ability. This essay willexplore the root causes behind such a problem and outline possible solutions to help tackle thisissue.

There are an array of reasons accounting for this phenomenon. First, evaluation of studentscapability of wisely managing fortune is not on the transcript of any single courses taught inschools, creating an illusion for our teenagers that it is of no necessity to master this skill. It shouldbe widely acknowledged that in this day and age, the majority of schools focus more on studentsacademic performance rather than their living skills. In other words, the advancement of studentsis moving in an academic-centered direction; eventually, they will be in the absence of basic butconsequential skills, including this money managerial ability. Moreover, students usually do notpossess adequate opportunities to practice managing their money. Thafs mainly because moststudents arc living with family members. Since family members will pay all the fees andnecessities for those inp>

From my perspective, a number of actions could be taken by parents and teachers to impart thisvaluable skill to students. One of those actions is to give students a proper amount of money to letthem plan their daily life by themselves. By doing this, it is likely for those students to assumetheir financial responsibilities. For instance, they will learn to only spend what they can aflFordsince theyve realized that money is not unlimited to them. Also, courses associated with theability to manage money could be set by the schools. In this way, students will pay more attentionto the development of this skill owing to the fact that students are mandated to learn it.

In conclusion, lack of motivation and opportunity are the factors explaining why the majority ofstudents fail to wisely manage money. However, both parents and teachers can play a role to assiststudents foster this capability.




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