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I get up at 6:30 in the morning, then I brush my teeth and then wash my face after breakfast, and then I eat breakfast. I like to drink a glass of milk and play with my mobile phone for breakfast. I wait for lunch at noon, and then take a nap for another half an hour. At night, I will watch it for a while. 我早上六点半起床,起来之后刷先刷牙再洗脸,然后吃早餐,我早餐喜欢喝一杯牛奶



作业 英语 主题 电脑

so this article I want talk about what is the computer.

so I think the is a tool, the tool people use to work, study, Social. Now if a person not have a computer or a phone the person cant live in this would, because when a person want by a things in China they need use the WeChat to pay, they cant use the cras to pay. Everone use the WeChat to pay, so if you dont use you will be incompatible.

ok let back, the computer is the Indispensable part of a humans life, because if we dont have the computer we cannot do many things like do the work, study, play the game, look at TV show. many things you cannot do so you can t survive, thats why I say you dont have a computer or a phone you cannot survive. so thats all.







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