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第二种 大卡路里或千卡热量 符号 Cal kcal 也称为食物卡路里和类似名称|

第二种 大卡路里或千卡热量 符号 Cal kcal 也称为食物卡路里和类似名称

A calorie or calory (archaic) is a unit of energy. Various definitions exist but fall into two broad categories. The first, the small calorie, or gram calorie (symbol: cal), is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere.[1] The second, the large calorie or kilogram calorie (symbols: Cal, kcal), also known as the food calorie and similar names,[2] is defined in terms of the kilogram rather than the gram. It is equal to 1,000 small calories or 1 kilocalorie (symbol: kcal).[1]

第二种 大卡路里或千卡热量 符号 Cal kcal 也称为食物卡路里和类似名称|

卡路里或卡路里(古)是能量单位。存在各种定义,但分为两大类。第一种是小卡路里,或称克卡路里(符号:cal),定义为在一种大气压力下使一克水的温度升高1摄氏度所需的能量量。[1]第二种是大卡路里或千克卡路里(符号:Cal,kcal),也称为fo。OD卡路里和类似的名称,[2 ]是用千克而不是克来定义的。它等于1000卡路里或1千卡(符号:千卡)。[ 1 ]



第二种 大卡路里或千卡热量 符号 Cal kcal 也称为食物卡路里和类似名称|
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    第二种 大卡路里或千卡热量 符号 Cal kcal 也称为食物卡路里和类似名称|
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    第二种 大卡路里或千卡热量 符号 Cal kcal 也称为食物卡路里和类似名称|
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