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go 短语|

go 短语

1.go about 着手做;承担 Go about your chores in a responsible way.(请以负责的态度去做你的工作) 2.go along 合作,配合 They get along by going along.(通过合作他们相处很好)3.go around 走动:四处走动;从一处走到另一处 ;传扬,传播 Rumors going around.(流言四播)

go 短语|

4.go at 进攻:尤指奋力攻击 ;做;执行 He went at the job with a lot of energy.(他工作卖力)

5.go by 消失;经过 As time goes by.(随时光流逝)短期访问,拜访 My parents were away when we went by last week.(上周去看望我的父母,他们不在家)6.go down 失败,毁灭:体验失败或毁灭 The sun went down.(太阳落山了)The helicopter went down in a ball of fire.(直升机在一团火球中坠落)

7.go in 合伙,加入:加入共同的冒险 Went in with the others to buy a present.(同别人一起买礼物) 接近:前进,接近,如攻击前 Troops went in at dawn.(军队在拂晓向敌人摸近) 

8.go off 爆炸:经历爆破;爆炸 响起:发出声音;叫响 The siren went off at noon.(警笛在正午鸣响)离开 Don't go off mad.(不要急于离开)9.go on 发生;恰巧发生 Didn't know what was going on.(不知道发生了什么事) 继续进行 Life must go on.(生命在延续) She went on to become a senator.(她继续担任参议员) 

10.go out 灭掉,熄灭 ;参加社交活动:出门参加社交活动 He went out at seven.(他在七点钟出门了)Goes out a lot.(常外出参加社交活动)过时:变得不流行,不时髦 High boots went out last year.(去年高筒靴就不流行了) 11.go over 受欢迎:获得接受,受欢迎 A new style that didn't go over.(不受欢迎的新样式)检查 Go over the test scores.(检查考试成绩) 12.go through 仔细检查 Went through the students' papers.(仔细检查学生的论文)经历 We went through hell while working on this project.(执行这一计划时我们经历了许多困难)表演,演奏 I went through the sonata in 30 minutes.(我们用三十分钟演完了这个奏鸣曲)

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go for a picnic与go on a picnic的区别

Go on a picnic就是说你参加了一个聚餐,没有特别的意思,最常见.

go for a picnic有时候带一点细微的放弃了其他活动转而去picnic的意思,或者一定要去的意思.

go for a picnic在美国英语中是一个习惯用法,而且go for之后还可以跟其他的表示户外活动的名词搭配.

go on a picnic这个短语中真正属于习惯用法的是on跟后面表示旅游、露营等外出活动的那个名词的搭配,也就是说picnic不一定非要跟go搭配才能使用,而是可以跟别的词搭配使用也可以,而且这种用法英美两国英语都认同.



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    go 短语|
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