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龙腾网 大佬自述 为什么高智商的人会痛苦|

龙腾网 大佬自述 为什么高智商的人会痛苦


龙腾网 大佬自述 为什么高智商的人会痛苦|


Why Highly Intelligent People Are Miserable


“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.”— Albert Einstein

“ 我虽举世闻名,却又如此孤独,这真的很奇怪。” ー阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦

If you’re anything like me, then a high level of intelligence has been a huge handicap throughout the course of your life. It might sound a bit counterintuitive at first, but trust me, it’s a lesson best learnt from the experiences of others.


Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect? If you haven’t come across the term before, you have definitely experienced the principle. It’s a psychological rule that states; it’s the most incompetent who are the most confident, while the intelligent ones doubt their own abilities. Put simply, dumb people are too dumb to know how dumb they are. Smart people are clever enough to know how much they don’t know. British philosopher Bertrand Russell who first laid out the idea perhaps summed it up best: “The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.” Basically, all of us have a pretty lousy grasp of the limits of our own competence one way or another.

你听说过达克效应(Dunning-Kruger effect)吗? 如果你以前没有遇到过这个术语,那么你肯定经历过。



首先提出这个观点的英国哲学家伯特兰 · 罗素 · 布朗,他很好的总结了这个观点: “这个世界的问题在于,愚蠢的人自以为是,而聪明的人则充满怀疑。”


We often suffer from loneliness and depression

*** 我们常常感到孤独和沮丧 ***

As Brookings Institution researcher Carol Graham explained to the Washington Post, “Those with more intelligence and the capacity to use it… are less likely to spend so much time socializing because they are focused on some other longer-term obxtive.”Whenever I realize I don’t carry the same worries as my peers, I tend to stay on my own. Or worse, I imprison myself in my own depressed state. I am always analyzing problems I can’t solve in my mind which leads to deeper depression.


“ 那些拥有更多智力和更会运用自己能力的人...... 不太可能花那么多时间社交,因为他们专注于其它一些长期目标。”



People expect too much from us

*** 人们对我们期望过高 ***

Having a brilliant brain is wonderful. But having to deal with people’s expectations of the great things I’m supposed to do with my brain? Not so much. The pressure can be overwhelming, and as I noted earlier, we’re not machines.

有一个聪明的大脑是美妙的,但是,被迫面对人们对我应该用我的大脑去做的伟大事情的期望美妙吗? 我实在不太喜欢。


We get bored very easily

*** 我们很容易感到无聊 ***

Prioritizing all the great ideas I constantly come up with is a big problem for me. The moment a project, relationship, or person stops stimulating my brain, I’m done. Ready to move on to the next challenge. This is the main reason I rarely follow through with things and most of my relationships suffer.



We think we’re too advanced for the basics

*** 我们认为我们在基础方面太超前了 ***

I honestly do. Perfecting the fundamentals always appears to be a daunting task. Why waste time on the basics when I learn things as fast as I do?


Most times, I avoid the basics to shield myself from any revelations of my ignorance.


In conclusion…


We try to avoid unsatisfactory feelings by hanging out in our own imagination most of the time. Our perspective is completely different from that of others. People find it hard to understand us, and that’s because we’re a very niche group. They’re simply not used to our type.We all have our own major flaws. The most important thing is that you know what they are and continue to work on them.I have accepted who I am and all the baggage that comes with it. If you’re in a similar situation, you should do the same. If you personally know anyone in a similar situation, at least now you can understand them a bit better.



我们都有自己的缺点, 最重要的是,你明明知道缺点是什么,仍然不得不放任。






If you’re anything like me, then a high level of intelligence has been a huge handicap throughout the course of your life.

Stay humble.

“ 如果你和我一样,那么高水平的智力在你的一生中都是一个巨大的障碍。”


Bill Burkett

What an outpouring of commentary your remarks prompted. I read patiently on and on, but never found what I was looking for.

Here tis: there are highly intelligent people. (I was cursed in parochial school with the statement by testers my IQ is 160. Ever since, there seems to be a movement to dispute IQ exists.) The unmentioned, by you or any responder, is another minority group: the HSP. The highly sensitive person.

It has been my observation over life that the two conditions are often found together. The brighter you are, the thinner your skin. (Modern researchers assure us HSP is a condition, not a disability. Logic suggests high intelligence is a condition as well.)

The highly intelligent see more things with sharp edges. The highly sensitive are wounded by the sharp edges. Which leads to self-preservational behaviors, or in the extreme to something akin to post-traumatic stress disorder.

I did not find arrogance in your remarks. If one wants arrogance, look to the Nietzsche quotes. I admire your courage for addressing your angst. It takes courage to pin a target on your back. Be of good cheer. One of the smartest people I know reminds us: what will it all matter in a hundred years?

So acknowledge your — I guess the term would be long-comings as opposed to shortcomings — and exercise your wit to laugh at yourself a little and not take it all so dreadfully seriously. Humor is a great anodyne.

Bora ztun

“The most intelligent men, like the strongest, find their happiness where others would find only disaster: in the labyrinth, in being hard with themselves and with others, in effort; their delight is in self-mastery; in them asceticism becomes second nature, a necessity, an instinct. They regard a difficult task as a privilege; it is to them a recreation to play with burdens that would crush all others.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

”最聪明的人,像最强壮的人一样,在别人只能找到灾难的地方找到他们的幸福:在迷宫里,在对待自己和别人的艰难中,在努力中 ; 他们的快乐在于自我掌控 ; 在他们身上,禁欲主义成为第二天性,一种必要,一种本能。他们把困难的任务视为一种特权,对他们来说,玩弄会压垮所有其他人的负担是一种消遣。”

—— 弗里德里希 · 尼采

Soujanya Raj

Maybe you need to get yourself tested for autism/ Aspergers. Most of the things you said are signs of a bigger problem than trying to cover up with being “Highly intelligent”. It sounds more arrogant than intelligent to me.


James Daher

Why are we highly intelligent people unhappy? I believe this can be explained with three famous quotes, and two corollaries of my own. The first quote, “The truth shall set you free,” is well known. But it’s corollary, “The truth shall make you miserable,” is not. We smart people know more than most average people, but most of the knowledge we acquire is either terrible news, or it just leads to more questions. Either way, the more truth we acquire, the more it weighs on our souls and our minds.

The second quote goes hand in hand with the first, and really needs no further explanation: “Ignorance is bliss.”

The third quote is, “Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it.” Its corollary is perhaps the most hideously depressing of all: “Those who do study history are doomed to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, by those who don’t.” We rare and brilliant people are forever doomed to swim upstream against the ever-stronger current of collective ignorance. Or, if you’d rather, we helplessly watch from the back seat, in impotent rage, as our societal school bus is driven towards a cliff by fools obsessively arguing over which song to play on the radio, too busy with their bickering to yank the wheel.

为什么我们这些高智商的人不快乐? 我相信这可以用我这三句话和两个推论来解释。


第二句话和第一句话是紧密相连的,真的不需要进一步的解释: “ 无知是福。”

第三句话是: “不研究历史的人注定要重蹈覆辙。”

其推论可能是最令人沮丧的:“ 那些研究历史的人注定尖叫着被那些不研究历史的人拖着走。”



Keith Gottschalk

Hmm. Different for you I guess. For me it started in elementary school where it seemed every time I opened my mouth the rest of the class would turn and stare at me as if I’d stepped off a craft from Mars. The ironic thing is that I was attending a private school where, I thought, we were supposed to excel. Just not too much. The rich kids were expected to shine. I was suppose to feel fortunate just being allowed to attend.

My parents didn’t know how to handle the way I would embarrass them and other relatives by publicly correcting them (nicely, I thought) and having my own opinions on whatever they were talking about. I was thus sternly warned not to intrude on ‘adult conversations.’ My maternal grandfather’s nickname for me was ‘the little professor.’ Shortly before my mother died she decided to stick the knife in one last time, telling me the nickname was not a compliment.

I really wasn’t trying to ‘put on airs.’ I was using the wonderful vocabulary I largely taught myself by being a voracious reader.

The other major problem I had and I think many intelligent people have in this country, is being able to see through America’s bullshit in all its forms. As I became an adult, I found myself debunking every bit of mythology surrounding both church and state. Stripping oneself of faith in both God and man has a very isolating effect in a culture like ours.

After a while, I found isolating myself was better for my self-identity, but that the loneliness only added to my depression. Now at the age of 57, I accept the fact that America is a profoundly anti-intellectual place and confine my mental pursuits to a small circle of Internet friends that share common interests and intellect. It’s not the life I wanted at this stage of my existence, but it’s the one I can tolerate.



我会让父母和其他亲戚感到尴尬,我父母不知道该拿我怎么办,我会公开纠正他们 ( 我认为这很好 ) ,对他们谈论的任何事情都有我自己的观点,因此,我会受到严厉的警告,不要打扰“大人们的谈话”, 外祖父给我起的外号是“小教授”,在我母亲去世前不久,她决定狠狠的“伤害”我一番,她告诉我这个绰号并不是一种恭维。






Jordan Elizabeth

This article is really defeatist—it would seem that many highly intelligent people are either failing to make their own emotional well-being a priority, or don’t have the personal responsibility to actually enact positive changes in their lives.

It’s much easier to point to your intellect as the source of your misery (and as a result, accept that your condition in life is inevitable) than it is to accept that your mental state is a result of your outlook.


把你的智力视为你痛苦的根源,要比接受你的精神状态是由于你的观念所致要容易得多 ( 因此,接受你目前的生活状况是不可避免的 )。

Dave Volek

I’m not sure I’m highly intelligent, having barely scraped to get my bachelor’s degree. But I do see things differently than most people. It is hard to hold a good conversation on just about anything. People say I overthink things. But not really: we will never get all the facts and perspectives we really need, so there is a practical time to make a decision and move forward. I find it very difficult to make a big decision without formulating and uating several options. Most people seem to prefer going with the first thing that comes in their head.

Lonely? More than a little bit.

Is my romantic partner suffering? Probably. But she knows I’m trying.






John Griswold

Inaccurate premise, that highly intelligent people are miserable. Some are, some aren’t. I’ve experienced some of what you describe, it’s definitely frustrating to have difficulty finding conversation with people who can understand what you’re saying. Being a member of a minority is usually difficult in some way. But much of what you describe is due to low intelligence, specifically low emotional intelligence.




Ralph Welsch-Lehmann

Happiness is a choice. Intelligence is not.


Casen Davis

I think intelligence is one of those words that gets used in so many different ways that it almost has no meaning anymore. Highly intelligent in what way? I get the sense that you are referring to raw processing power and nothing more. I think intelligence means a bit more than that however. Sure intelligence requires raw processing power, but it also requires that one knows how to use that power effectively.

If you use all the smarts in the world to come to lousy conclusions, then you aren’t so intelligent are you?

I do think folks with raw processing power can end up with a lot of anxiety and depression because their mind moves fast, and they get stuck in powerful rumination cycles that lead nowhere fruitful. Their mind grabs on to large systemic ideas, connects dots far and wide, and gets so busy out in la-la land that it misses what’s plain to see!

In conclusion, I think we need a new word for this. Maybe big-left-brained or mathematically fast, or… I don’t know what. Decidedly not intelligent.


哪方面的高智商? 我感觉你指的是原始的处理能力,仅此而已。






总而言之,我认为我们需要一个新词来描述这种情况,也许是“强势左脑”或者“快速运算能力”。。 我不知道。。。但显然不是“智商”。



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