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Paris(巴黎)——全球唯五的国际大都市之一 paris是什么意思|

Paris(巴黎)——全球唯五的国际大都市之一 paris是什么意思


Paris(巴黎)——全球唯五的国际大都市之一 paris是什么意思|

What is worth paying attention to is that France is the first big western country in the west to establish formal diplomatic relations with China.


On January 27, 2019, President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages with French President Ma Long in celebrating the 55th anniversary diplomatic relations between the two countries.



巴黎 Paris,是法兰西共和国的首都和最大城市,也是法国的政治、经济、文化和商业中心,世界五个国际大都市之一 其余四个分别为纽约、伦敦、东京、香港,并被GaWC评为Alpha+级世界一线城市。

Paris, the capital and largest city of the French Republic, is also the political, economic, cultural and commercial center of France. It is one of the five international metropolises in the world the remaining four are New York, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong, and is rated as the alpha + world first tier city by GaWC.







Paris is located in the center of the Paris basin in the northern part of France, spanning both sides of the Seine River. The city center coordinates are 4852 ′ N and 225 ′ E. With a history of more than 1400 years, Paris is not only the political, economic and cultural center of France, but also of Western Europe.

截至2016年,巴黎一共被划分为20个区 以卢浮宫为中心的第1区,顺时针排列命名。

截至2016年,巴黎一共被划分为20个区 以卢浮宫为中心的第1区,顺时针排列命名。

截至2016年,巴黎一共被划分为20个区 以卢浮宫为中心的第1区,顺时针排列命名。

截至2016年,巴黎一共被划分为20个区 以卢浮宫为中心的第1区,顺时针排列命名。

截至2016年,巴黎一共被划分为20个区 以卢浮宫为中心的第1区,顺时针排列命名。

卢浮宫 Louvre


The world-famous art palace was built in the early 12th century for defensive purposes. After a series of expansion and renovation, it gradually became a splendid palace. Since the 16th century, I began to collect various works of art on a large scale. Later emperors continued this tradition and enriched the collection of the Louvre. Its designer is the famous Chinese American architect, I.M. Pei.



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