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中英双语 沉默的羔羊 原著大结局 Hannibal Cannibal|

中英双语 沉默的羔羊 原著大结局 Hannibal Cannibal

看完电影后,又通宵补了英文原著,对于结局,印象颇为深刻,Hannibal 的 Cannibal 本质。在此附上中英文大结局摘要。

中英双语 沉默的羔羊 原著大结局 Hannibal Cannibal|

In the original ending, Lecter is cutting orange segments with a small paring knife,

while he speaks to Clarice. As he hangs up the phone, the camera shot widens. We

discover that he is at a desk in a book lined office. There is the body of a bodyguard

on the floor, and then we see Lecter is not alone. Chilton is trussed up in a chair

across from him, the same method of restraints the doctor used on Lecter earlier in

the movie. Lecter rises, slowly, a dreamy gleam in his eye, as he approaches his

terrified victim, paring knife in hand. “Shall we begin?”

在原著的结局里,汉尼拔一边用 削皮刀切橘子,一边与史达林通电话。 当他挂断电话时,镜头猛地拉近,我们发现他正在一间堆满书籍的办公室的书桌旁。地上是一名保镖的尸体。汉尼拔并不是孤身一人。奇顿被绑在了他对面的椅子上,与电影里他之前的手法如出一辙。 汉尼拔缓缓地站了起来,拿着刀,轻轻地靠近那颤抖不已的奇顿,如幻的光芒在他的眼中闪烁,他说:‘’是时候开始了。’‘



中英双语 沉默的羔羊 原著大结局 Hannibal Cannibal|
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