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放松足底的字幕 中文英文|

放松足底的字幕 中文英文

So we gonna start by simply rolling forward on the ball

放松足底的字幕 中文英文|

like that nice and slow just in the pressure use the pressure that is comfortable for you so you can increase it you can decrease it whatever works for you

you knows its gonna feel really good as you go along you can notice that how the joints are being mobilize activated

Great since we awareness infoot developing

very good and you can push down on the balls at every spots under your foot and we go

Right now it’s of course for breathing and we are relaxing our whole body.

There we go

So in this segment of the exercise sequence we are gonna roll of foot lightly over the ball

until the outside of the foot touches the floor

and then roll it to the inside to the inside of foot touches the ball

this is a great exercise for your foot is gonna activate very important joints and muscles

the subtalar joint此处是两个关节的专有名词没找到

and if you’ve never heard of these joints it doesn’t matter its good for your foot

And we are going do these a few times nice slow and smooth

do what you can do maybe in the beginning its difficult to go all the way that’s fine no problem at all

just do whatever you can do

then we gonna lift our foot and put it on top of the ball

and now we are going to shift the foot forward little bit on the ball and back

so that foot is gonna rock on the ball

if you can you can touch that if you chose the ground and touched the heel to the ground

We’ll go back and forth like that

Very good we can add a little more weight to the balls we feel like it feels alright to us


and we rock back it forth

great and en we finish up by just comparing the two feet

so we gonna stand on the right foot bend and stretch your leg

notice the ability also flexibility in the echo and actually the hole leg and compare that to the other side

and you probably notice quite a difference it’s gonna be easier stabilizer

Muscles will feel free and joins as well





放松足底的字幕 中文英文|
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