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以下文字原文来自2018 WBFF世界比基尼健美大赛冠军 Lauren Simson发布的INS内容。对应的视频去看我今天PO的视频吧。


Foot placement on the leg press can change the way your muscles are targeted. Read below!

腿举机是健身很常见的臀腿训练固定器械。 使用时脚的放置位置不同,可以让你训练到不同的肌肉。以下听我细细说明吧。

HIGHWIDE: The high placement puts more emphasis on your gluteshamstrings. I puts them in a peak stretched postion - like when they are at the bottom of a squat or deadlift.

双脚放置高位,宽距: 当双脚放置的位置越高,训练的目标肌肉就更多的是你的臀部肌肉和腘绳肌。我在做这样的腿举时,会把目标肌群达到最大拉伸的位置,就像是在深蹲或者硬拉的底部。

NARROWLOW: This is making the movemtnt very quad dominant. I like doing this with my heels off the platform so Im pushing out of the balls of my feet to further recruit my quads.


DUCK STANCE. You will see my heels are touching here with toes turned out. This exercise hits true inner thighs, glutes but also places your VMO( outer quad muscle/tear drop shape muscle above knee cap) under greater tension. I like high reps for this - 20-25 reps.

鸭鸭站姿: 你看到我的两个脚后跟靠在一起,脚尖朝外(就是脚后跟并在一起的外八。不懂的看视频)。这个动作设置能真切地刺激到大腿内侧和臀部肌肉。同时让你的VMO ( 股四头肌外侧, 膝盖上方的眼泪状肌肉)得到更强的拉伸。 这个动作我喜欢做多次数,20-25次一组。

SINGLE LEG. Unilateral exercies are great for building up any strenght imbalances. I like single leg as it really isolates the one side and you can feel your quads, hamstringsglutes firing to move the weight.

单腿腿举: 不对称训练对于改善力量不均衡有着显著的作用。 我很喜欢做单腿腿举,因为孤立的单边动作,可以让你在推起重量的时候感到股四,腘绳肌,臀肌着火一样的感觉。

SIDE PRESS. I feel this one engage my outer glues due to the bodies positioning and range of motion.





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